Oy Vey undz Oh Boi! Iph yew vant to know ver every wone'a d'watingtings be, d'is be d'place right cheer. Now to be clear Quozen! Wemeus neinein meanin' every wone'a all d'watingtings whut there is being every wone'a all z'places der'be! Neinein! Wemeus mean'n only phor di's 'ere boox! Ok ok okkk?
Phront Matter
- Phront Matter
- Bastard Title
- Phrontizpiece
- Title Page
- Edition Notice
- Copyrightlepht Notice
- Dedicaton
- Epigraph
- Table ad'Contentz
- List ad'Phigurez
- List ad'Tablez
- Phour Wordz
- Back Wordz
- Prephace
- Acknowledge Mintz
- Introduction
- Prologue
- Conlogue
- d'Dizzyclaimer
- Printerz Marx
- d'Rezour'zez
- d'XYZs
- d'Preliminar'eaze
- Vaht be d'Q?
- Hiztory ad'Q
- y'Chromozone d'Q
- d'Anglish d'Q
- Who be Kneadn d'Q
- Speldid & Pronunzen
- Runez, Sigilz & Signz
- Undzderstand Weirdein
- Ackshundz Abundz
- Plurality be a'Zoomed
- d'Dephinite Article
- Succinct Verbocity
- d'Contradiqshundz
- d'Braggadozio
- d'Demandn Nature
- d'Repepepetishundz
- Dileck ad'Daleks
- Grimoire adHoqusphoqus
- Creatn dWeirdein
- d'Contribut'n
- Speaking Philosophistry
- d'Ivinely Ordained
- Ancient Originz
- Modern Wellzpring
- Preach'n td'Choir
- Vexist Sexist Dynamic
- Restor'n Relationship
- Dizagree t'Agree
- Crux'Cultural
- Pheq'ng Phun
- Unhinged by Reality
- d'Senselessness
- Rightiz az Rightdez
- Undzmannerly Mannerz
- Epic undz Poetic
- Subtle Subterphuge
- All be Philosophistry
- Transmutation
- Etiquette
- d'Royal WeMeUs
- Wemeus
- Demeus
- Demdemeus
- Citmeus
- Yew undz Yewr
- Meinein
- Masculinus
- Phemininus
- Jaalimus
- Seiroes
- Adorables
- Quo-Operation
- Gravy-ty
- Taua
- Undz
- Be
- Da
- Neinein
- Excusoss
- Bratiamhala
- Nasalamilahi
- Miehenopeus
- Phuqundzpheq
- Watingtings
- G-d Meinein D-g
- Msc. Masculinus
- Phm. Phemininus
- Eph d'Phorbidden Phruit
- Noboday
- Anboday
- Erboday
- Hello Kitties
- Blablabla
- Ok ok okkk
- Pughazi
- Thot Crime
- Language iz Reality
- Neinein Wemeus Dew
- Dat'dew Pheqe'yew
- Moho
- Mememe
- Nekunkylix
- Mamitakawa
- Jishisu
- Tirtiros
- d'Status ad'Status
- Back Matter